Spanish Subject Pronouns

Spanish Subject Pronouns

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42. The important and more common
forms of subject pronouns are the following:

Singular Plural
yo, I   nosotros, m.
} we
, you   vosotros, m.
} you
él, he
  ellos, m.
} they
usted, you   ustedes, you  

The subject pronouns are ordinarily omitted in Spanish (see 16),
but they may be used for emphasis. In the third person they may
be used for learness, since the third person may have three meanings:

él habla,
he speaks.
ella habla, she speaks.
usted habla, you speak.

Usted, however is used for politeness, even
when emphasis and clearness are not demanded. Usted and Ustedes
are ordinarily abbreviated V., VV., or Vd.,

43. Use of Usted and
The ordinary,
formal, second person pronoun of address is usted, pural
ustedes, which takes the third person of the verb
(since it is derived from vuestra merced = ‘your
grace’). This is the form which must be used in addressing strangers,
persons not well known, and old people. The pronoun ,
plural vosotors, -as, which corresponds, grammartically,
to the English, ‘thou,’ ‘ye,’ is used only among intimate friends
and relatives, or on speaking to children and servants or inferiors.

44. Direct Object with a. The
preposition a is used also, in Spanish, as a sign
of the direct object, when the direct object of the verb is a noun
indicating a definite person, or persons or a thing personified:

Él ama a los niños. He loves the children.
Ella ve a su padre. She sees her father.
Busco a mi criado I am looking for my servant.
Él no teme a la muerte. He does not fear death (perfsonified).
But: Busco un criado. I am looking for servant (indefinite).

a. Querer means ‘to wish’ or ‘desire,’
while querer a may also mean ‘to love’.

Yo quiero comer. I wish to eat.
Ella quiere a Carlos She wants or loves Charles.

b. Tener (see below) means ‘to have,’
‘to possess,’
while tener a may also mean ‘to hold temporarily.’

Tienen al caballo. They are holding the horse

45. The Irregular Verb tener,
‘to have,’ ‘to possess.’

1 you tengo I have
2 tú tienes you have
3. { él tiene
ella tiene
usted tiene
he has
she has
you have
1 nosotros (-as) tenemos we have
2 vosotros (-as) tenéis you have
3 { ellos, ellas tienen
ustedes tienen
they have
you have.



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Regular Present Indicative Endings of ar, er, ir verbs.
17. Negation.
24-26. Noun.
27. Possession
34. The Articles
42-45. Subject Pronouns
46. Nouns.
53. The Verb.
61-64. Adjectives
70-73. Apocopation of Adjectives
79. Irregular Verbs
80. Idiomatic Expressions
86. Irregular Past Absolute
95-96. The verbs: Ser and Estar
102-104. Future Indicative and Conditional
110-115. Formation Of The Participles
121-125. Idioms with Tener, Deber and Haber
131-133. Irregular Verbs:
139-140. Personal Pronouns
146-148. Two Object Pronouns
154-157. Prepositional Forms As Object Pronouns
163-168. Reflexive Verbs
174-178. Reflexive Verbs (Continued)
184-188. Gustar. Sí and No. Mismo.
194-195. Radical Changing Verbs.
201. Radical Changing Verbs (Continued)
207-211. Inceptive Verbs. Adverbs
216-220. Possessive Adjectives
226-228. Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns
236-239. Relative Pronouns
245-250. Interrogative Adjectives and Pronouns
256-265. Numbers. Numerical Expressions
270-272. Verbs With Orthographic Changes
278-279. The Seasons, Months, Days Of The Week, Etc.

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