Spanish Verbs in Prepositional Constructions

Spanish Verbs in Prepositional Constructions

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Verbs in Prepositional Constructions

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405. Verbs which require a
Preposition as the Sign of the Infinitive.
The English ‘ to
‘ before the infinitive is either not translated at all in Spanish
or translated by various prepositions.

a. After nouns and adjectives de is
very commonly used as the sign of the infinitive. Most of the
following constructions have already been treated.

tener ganas de
+ infinitive,
tener la intención de,
and similar constructions
of tener + noun,
88 a.
Es bueno de
(or para) comer.
It is good to eat.
Es hora de comer. It is time to eat.
Observe however tener que +
infinitive (121).
Tengo que decírselo. I have to tell it to him.

b. After verbs, however, the matter
is much more complicated. In the vocabulary the preposition which
any verb may require before the infinitive is given with each
verb. Incomplete lists are given below.

406. The following verbs require the preposition
a before the infinitive:

a. Most verbs of motion and all verbs meaning
‘ to begin’:

acudir, to hasten. Acudió a decírmelo.
bajar, to descend,
come down.
Bajó a lavarse.
correr, to run. Corre a coger la bola.
entrar, to enter. Ya entraron a comer.
ir, to go. Voy a verle mañana.
pasar, to pass. Pasó a darles las nuevas.
salir, to go out. Salió a encontraries.
subir, to ascend,
go up.
Sube a vestirse.
venir, to come. Vengo a verles.
} to begin. Comienza a hablar.
Empieza a llover.

With the above verbs of motion
and with a few of those given below,
or por may be used instead of
a, de,
or en, if a
strong purpose or motive is implied. See 395, 398.

b. The following very common verbs:

acercarse, to approach. enviar, to send.
alcanzar, to reach, succeed. inducir, to induce.
aplicarse, to apply one’s self. invitar, to invite.
aprender, to learn. llegar, to come, succeed.
apresurarse, to hasten. negarse, to refuse.
aspirar, to aspire. obligar, to oblige.
atreverse, to dare. oponerse, to oppose.
ayudar, to help. pararse, to stop.
convidar, to invite. prepararse, to prepare.
detenerse, to stop. sentarse, to sit.
disponerse, to prepare. tornar, to return.
enseñar, to teach. volver, to—again.
a hablar.
me atrevo a ir.
a subir.
enseño a leer.
obligó a hacerlo.

407. The following very common verbs require the
preposition de before the infinitive:

abstenerse, to abstain. guardarse, to avoid.
acabar, to finish. hablar, to speak.
acordarse, to remember. olvidarse, to forget.
alegrarse, to be glad. pesar, to be sorry.
arrepentirse, to repent. reírse, to laugh.
cesar, to cease. sentirse, to feel.
dejar, to cease, fail. ser, to be.
descansar, to rest. temblar, to tremble.
dispensar, to excuse. tratar, to try, attempt.

acabó de hablar.
se acuerda de decirlo.
deje de ir.
de pasar.

408. The following very common verbs require the
preposition en before the infinitive:

acordar, to agree. insistir, to insist.
complacerse, to take pleasure. molestarse, to take the trouble.
consistir, to consist. ocuparse, to buy one’s self.
empeñarse, to insist. pensar,1 to think (of).
equivocarse, to be mistaken. tardar, to delay.
fijarse, to pay attention. vacilar, to hesitate.

en hacer eso.
en venir.
en irse.





Regular Present Indicative Endings of ar, er, ir verbs.
17. Negation.
24-26. Noun.
27. Possession
34. The Articles
42-45. Subject Pronouns
46. Nouns.
53. The Verb.
61-64. Adjectives
70-73. Apocopation of Adjectives
79. Irregular Verbs
80. Idiomatic Expressions
86. Irregular Past Absolute
95-96. The verbs: Ser and Estar
102-104. Future Indicative and Conditional
110-115. Formation Of The Participles
121-125. Idioms with Tener, Deber and Haber
131-133. Irregular Verbs:
139-140. Personal Pronouns
146-148. Two Object Pronouns
154-157. Prepositional Forms As Object Pronouns
163-168. Reflexive Verbs
174-178. Reflexive Verbs (Continued)
184-188. Gustar. Sí and No. Mismo.
194-195. Radical Changing Verbs.
201. Radical Changing Verbs (Continued)
207-211. Inceptive Verbs. Adverbs
216-220. Possessive Adjectives
226-228. Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns
236-239. Relative Pronouns
245-250. Interrogative Adjectives and Pronouns
256-265. Numbers. Numerical Expressions
270-272. Verbs With Orthographic Changes
278-279. The Seasons, Months, Days Of The Week, Etc.

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